Lord Shri Krishna Stories

Bhagwan Shree Krishna is a character that is beyond human comprehension and one who can understand even a bit of his grace would be able to understand the true meaning of life. Shree Krishna’s Biography states that he is the eighth self-aware knowable mortal Avatar of supreme lord Shri Vishnu, who is considered the operator of the world in Hinduism. His objective behind this divine orchestration was to establish life philosophy and make people aware of righteousness, morality, love, peace, and the value of life through Krishna Leela.


If one reads through Shri Krishna bhagwan ki katha each event has a bigger meaning or objective behind it than it appears on the surface. There are various excerpts of Lord Krishna’s life story available in different scriptures like Vishnupuran, Garudpuran, Mahabharat, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, and Dashavtar. Then there are pieces of literature that include Krishna Leela Stories like  Krishnacharitam, Shri Krishnakatha, and Shri Krishnasandarbha, many of which are translations and interpretations of Krishna’s Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharat.


The most loved and revered by devotees throughout Hindu Dharm is the Lord Krishna childhood stories, the Baalgopal Leela are enchanting with his naughty antics. There are 108 names of Lord Shri Krishna and each has an attribute to it and an instance from his life connected, making them miraculous and magnificent. So let’s look at a few of Shri Krishna’s Stories in his lifetime that are most celebrated and were defining events in his mortal life.


Lord Krishna Childhood Stories:


  • The birth of Shir Krishna was a mesmerizing feat, it was predestined that after his birth he would kill his evil maternal uncle Kamsa, so he imprisoned his sister Devaki and his brother-in-law Vasudev, even so, who can stop the divine? After Lord Shri Krishna was born the whole Mathura was cast under a spell and taking advantage of the same Vasudev decided to pirate his newborn to his friend/cousin Nanda who the village cowherd head across the Yamuna river in a small village called Gokul. Even in this escapade, Bhagwan Krishna Leela was evident, since it was raining heavily the river was flooding so to protect Lord Krishna his ever-devoted Shesh Naag appeared and created an umbrella above, and once the water of Yamuna touched his feet it went down subsequently making it easy for Vasudev to take Kanha towards his destination and return with the goddess avatar Subhadra, who could not be killed by Kamsa.


  • Then in Gokul, one could come across a series of Krishna’s Childhood Stories, from his splendid embodiment to his mischief all of the events are depicted. The originally named Kanha began to be called Krishna, both meaning dark-skinned. There are several instances in Lord Krishna Ji Story that his maternal uncle upon knowing his nephew is still alive tried to kill him, but still could not harm him, instead, all the Rakshas sent by him were slayed by the lord. One such famous story is of Rakshashi Putna who tried to kill Baalgopal but was killed instead, while she was feeding Lord Krishna with her poisonous milk she thought he would die soon but rather started feeling her life being sucked out. She tried to get the child away but could not in an attempt to scare the child away she took her original form and started flying away people were chasing her to save krishna, and she fainted dying on the place.


  • Shri Krishna ji ki Katha mentions the episodes of him being crazy for butter (Makhan) so he used to secretly raid the house of Gokulvasi and eat it. On realizing there is a thief the Makhan Matki was tied to the height by people but he would climb up with the help of his friend he built a human mountain and took the butter to savor it. Hence he was named Makhanchor by many. This is a part of the Krishna Janmashtami story, where people pay tribute to Bhagwan Shri Krishna by enacting his childhood Leela on the tithi as mentioned in Krishna’s Biography.


  • In Shri Krishna kathas there are many such instances where Kamsa sent asur like Arishthasur (the bull demon) and Keshi (the demon Horse) to kill Shri Krishna, who was defeated by him even so they caused a lot of problems for villagers, destroying their livelihood and terrifying them. And as Kamsa has got the location of where Lord Krishna was and this instance would repeat so the troubled Gokulvasi decided to relocate to a safe place and that is when they moved to Vrindavan where Nandraj’s friend Brijbhan used to stay.


  • Lord Krishna was responsible for rearing the cows along with his elder brother Balram and there in Vrindavan began the Krishna Leela Stories. In his teenage days, he used to play along with his friends one day while playing they lost the ball in the Yamuna River, but no one was ready to get the ball. Upon asking Lord Krishna knew the reason was Kaliya Naag (ten-headed serpent) who has taken shelter and due to his poison, the water has turned deadly. Krishna Leela’s story states that he jumped into the river retrieved the ball and along with it tamed the serpent, danced on his head overpowering him, and told him to return and leave Vrindavan.


  • One such instance in Lord Krishna Story Leela is of Govardhan Parvat, the villager of Vrindavan who used to farm and praise Lord Indra for the rain that helps them grow the crops. But Bhagwan Shri Krishna argued saying that if so is the case even Govardhan Parvat helps them by providing fodder and when the heavy clouds reign over it is stopped by mighty mountains that turn into rain, filling their pounds, and lakes for farming. This Krishna Leela story has a deep meaning as Indradev had become arrogant forgetting that even God has karma so this Krishna Leela was to remind Devindra of the same. While lord Indra tried to show his mightiness Govardhan Parvat became their abode and savior when Bhagwan Shri Krishna lifted the parvat on his pinky finger.


  • The ever-famous Lord Krishna Story of Raas Leela with Gopika’s and Radha Rani his eternal consort in Vrindavan is the epitome of love compassion and surrender. In this, he depicted what the purest and the immaterial form of love is without any bond or expectation. Krishna’s Short Stories are incomplete without Gopika and Radha. He ruled the hearts of all the cowherd maidens of the village being named Manmohan, Chitchor, or Madan.


  • Later Krishna Leela Stories shows a growing young age Bhagwan Krishna left Vrindavan went to complete his task, to slay his evil maternal uncle Kamsa, and reinstate the rule of righteousness and good. Among Krishna’s Stories is his Leela where he married the Vidharba Princess Rukmini on her request and kidnapped her, who was his prime consort other than the seven wives he married for several personal and political reasons. There is an instance in Krishna’s Life story where he married sixteen thousand women to reinstate their honor after relieving them from Nrkasur who kidnapped them and kept the captive. So in Lord Krishna Ji’s Stories, he is always seen as the person who emphasized women’s honor and worked to protect the same.


  • Krishna Full Story is not stagnant to the Vadh of evil Uncle but later fought many battles, even so, became someone who helped many personnel who passed by his life became their spiritual guide and two such prominent figures are the Draupadi who called him Govind and treated him as her philosopher, friend, and guide. And Shri Krishna was a trusted ally and friend to his distant relative Pandava prince Arjun and guided him throughout his life even in the epic battle of Mahabharata. Krishna Stories shows he has been a guide to many, an enemy to many but lived a life in his mortal form to the fullest giving a perfect example of what life is all about and providing the world with Krishna Bhagavad Gita.


It can be said as the drop from the sea of Krishna’s Life Story, he was an existence that encompassed the world yet incarnated amongst his devotees to live with them, experience human feeling, and guide them to the right part. One can find many Krishna Short Stories all having deep meaning or reason behind it, and establish righteousness (Dharam) in the world Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is the biggest example of it.


Shri Krishna was the eighth avatar of Lord Shri Hari Vishnu and his real parents were Devaki and Vasudev who lived in the Kingdom of Mathura. But being prophesized that their child would kill him so he imprisoned them and killed all their offspring until Krishna was born and the story changed. He could not kill the divine avatar and was slain instead after a lot of efforts to destroy his Kaal.

The birth story of Shri Krishna was divinely orchestrated to destroy evil, establish righteousness (dharma) and teach the world a lesson on love peace, and the importance of good Karma.

Shri Krishna is the divine avatar of Lord Vishnu, who was incarnated in the mortal world to establish Dharm in the world and destroy evil. Shi Krishna’s stories showcase his mighty existence and supreme attributes through Krishna Leela. These Krishna Leela’s stories were performed so that the world would know what is the true meaning of love, compassion, and surrender to the divine and establish one’s life on the 4 yoga paths he depicted as necessary for every being to go through and achieve the ultimate goal of life.

There are many versions of Lord Krishna Story, or it can be said as by different people there are different versions that appeared. But through many of Krishna’s full Stories, his Chief wife is Rukmini the princess of Vidharbha. Later for many personal or political reasons, he married seven more wives, popularly known as Ashtabharya.

It is confusing as through various religions Radha Rani is praised along with Krishna and called his eternal consort, which is true as she was his Sakhi the purest form of spiritual love in his life. But they never got married as there were some interruptions in the story due to various factors. This was also one of Krishna Leela’s Stories.

Shri Krishna Story is as real as it comes and is revered by various sects of Hinduism and followed religiously in Sanatan Dharma. Famous traditional scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharat, Vishnu Puran, Garud Puran, and Dashavtar all are proof of authenticity. To back the inscription there are iconography and idols, geological excavations, and miraculous instances related to Bhagwan Krishna Story that provides evidence of its reality.

There are many places and structures mentioned in the scriptures that can be found still in the form of temples and sites. And apart from it all the knowledgeable extract of the scripture that is useful in walk of life cannot be denied.

Lord Krishna Story is the epitome of existence, living in the mortal world he depicted magnificent feats that are examples for many. He established the fact that truth will always triumph, righteousness is the sacred path of life, and surrendering to the divine can help one stay on the right path and protect from evil.

While displaying this path he enacted Leelas and these different Krishna Leelas acquired him his 108 names. Each has a deep meaning, attribute, talent, and essence of his existence.

Stories of Lord Lord Shri Krishna Stories

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